Monday, October 10, 2011

An Introduction

This blog is about life.

To be more specific, it’s about striving towards a life filled with a vivid and robust sense of wholeness. What is wholeness? It’s the health and well-being of your whole person. It’s finding healing for our brokenness. It’s a return to balance, peace, and contentment. It’s the kind of life that truly satisfies.

Why write about wholeness?
A few Christmases ago, my brother gave me a book called "Wholly Jesus" by Mark Foreman. Foreman is a pastor from Southern California, and also the father of Jon and Tim Foreman who are members of the band Switchfoot.

Being avid Switchfoot fans, my brother and I both poured over the book from cover-to-cover. Not only was it a thoroughly enjoyable read, it also had a profound impact on me. It opened my eyes to the importance of being a whole person. Rather than focusing on one aspect, equal emphasis should be placed on each area of life – mind, body, soul, spirit.

Foreman’s book (which I’m sure you’ll hear more about in the future) got me thinking, and  it has ultimately lead to the start of this blog. It's possible the thoughts I share won't be profound. I know I don't have all the answers – mostly I’m still pondering my own questions. Maybe I'm just a girl with time on her hands and a lot on her mind. But, it's my prayer that this collection of practical advice, mixed with thoughtful musings, will inspire you to live life to its fullest. Not simply to get by each day, but to truly thrive.


  1. On Oct. 13, 2011 at 05:35 pm

    Welcome to the Blog World [Coffee Shop Girl]!!! And, I have to say what a dynamic, eye-opening title. I can't wait to learn how to truly thrive on a daily basis in hearing your thoughts about it. It will most definitely be profound. :)

  2. On Oct 16, 2011 at 02:13 pm

    Thanks, Josh! I appreciate the encouragement :)
